What is the cost of creating a website?
Check out our "Our services" section where the cost estimate for each service we provide is listed.
How long does the typical process of designing and creating a website take?
Once we receive all the materials such as photos, texts, and videos, we need 3-4 weeks to prepare the website.
Do we offer custom website designs or do we use pre-made templates?
Our company offers both forms of creating new websites. Explore our "Our services" to learn more.
Can we provide support for website maintenance and updates after the project is completed?
Yes, if the client is interested in website administration, we present our administration service and fulfill all their requests.
Which platform or CMS (Content Management System) do we use for website development?
We use WordPress CMS or our proprietary CMS for website development.
Do we offer services related to website hosting and domain registration?
Yes, our company provides comprehensive services, including domain registration and hosting. Check out our "Our services" to learn more.
Do we ensure responsiveness and mobile compatibility on the website?
The websites we create are responsive and adapt to the device they are viewed on.
How do we handle revisions and changes to the website during the design process?
During the website development process, the client receives access to prepared sections for approval of layout and color scheme.
Are we able to integrate e-commerce features or other custom elements on my website?
Yes, we "Our servies" the creation of various types of websites, including e-commerce stores.
I am using your hosting service - where can I access my email?
Each of our clients receives an additional page where they can find all the necessary information and redirects in one place. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us, and we will assist you.